Vehicle Fire suppression installations



The aggregates market utilises some of the largest items of mobile plant in the country to keep the construction industry moving with a variety of natural resources. To maintain production levels and keep operators safe onsite, many leading organisations trust Fireward to protect their assets.

This Volvo EC480 is protected by the award winning dual agent fire suppression system from Reacton, with additions including an in-cab monitoring, engine shutdown and battery isolation feature. This industry leading machine is now protected with an industry leading fire suppression system to match.

01-Fireward-Automatic-Fire-Suppression-Install-Volvo-EC480-Gris-01Fireward, Protecting People and Assets 24/7.

To find out more about how Fireward’s Automatic Fire Suppression systems, get in touch by calling 0800 151 0249 or email at:

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