Vehicle Fire suppression installations



Up and down the country, busy port facilities utilise a wide variety of machinery in their bulk handling operations ranging from 1t forklift trucks to 200t harbour cranes and material handlers.

This Bobcat S76 skid steer loader has been protected with an industry leading SPCR199 Reacton Dual Agent fire suppression system supplied by UK distributer Fireward.

With in-cab monitoring and other supplementary features such as engine shutdown and battery isolation; this machine is now fully protected from the risk of fire whether operating in a grain warehouse, fertiliser depot or trimming the hull of a ship carrying biomass.

01-Fireward-Automatic-Fire-Suppression-Install-Electrical-Panels-Grid-01Fireward, Protecting People and Assets 24/7.

To find out more about how Fireward’s Automatic Fire Suppression systems, get in touch by calling 0800 151 0249 or email at:

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